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Morpheus logo
Heat maps

Morpheus (from Broad Institute) is a web-based versatile matrix visualization and analysis software. View your dataset as a heat map, and then explore the interactive tools in Morpheus. Cluster, create new annotations, search, filter, sort, display charts, and more.

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Protégé logo

Protégé is a free, open-source platform that provides a growing user community with a suite of tools to construct domain models and knowledge-based applications with ontologies. It is a tool that acts like the “word processor” of an ontology and uses a language like OWL as a convenient standard. At its core, Protégé implements a rich set of knowledge-modeling structures and actions that support the creation, visualization, and manipulation of ontologies in various representation formats.

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LINA -Laboratory Inventory Network Application logo

LINA is a free software system for Windows that was developed to assist research laboratories in keeping track of their collections of biologically relevant materials, including oligonucleotides, bacterial (plasmid) strains, yeast strains and cell lines. Samples are then organized in freezer boxes according to those numbers and users can search the database by keyword, source and function.Basically, the LINA system was developed to allow academic laboratories to efficiently manage their inventor

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MassBank logo

MassBank is the first public repository of mass spectral data for sharing them among scientific research community. MassBank data are useful for the chemical identification and structure elucidation of chemical comounds detected by mass spectrometry. MassBank system is originally designed for public sharing of reference mass spectra for metabolite identification. It is also useful for their in-house or local sharing. Recently it finds another application; sharing mass spectra of unknown metabo

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MyBioSoftware logo
Software list
Category: Other software

MyBioSoftware provides a list with links of several software tools used in Bioinformatics.

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Cyflogic logo
Flow cytometry software
Category: Other software

Cyflogic is a flow cytometry data analysis tool for Microsoft Windows enviroment. It has all regular analysis capabilities, such as dot plot, histogram and statistics.

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openBIS logo
Digital Notebook & Data Manager
Category: Other software
openBIS allows: Workflow

openBIS is an open, distributed system for managing biological information for Windows And Linux. The main goal is to support biological research data workflows from the source (i.e. the measurement instruments) to facilitate the process of answering biological questions by means of cross-domain queries against raw data, processed data, knowledge resources and its corresponding metadata. The openBIS software framework can be easily extended and has been customized for High Content Screening, Pro

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Mendeley Desktop logo
Literature management
Category: Other software

Mendeley is a free desktop and web tool for research and literature management. It acts as reference manager and academic social network for for managing and sharing research papers,discovering research data and collaborating on line (Singh, J Pharmacol Pharmacotherap 1:62, 2010).

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BioRender logo
Online Graphic software
Category: Other software

Biorender is a web-based tool designed for life-science and medical illustration, is like a feature-lite version of Illustrator. It features an extensive library of scalable ‘icons’ from across the life sciences and medicine; researchers can drop these onto a canvas and manipulate them as if they were circles or polygons. Biorender is mainly utilized by researchers for professional-level illustrated explainers of proposed models, experimental methods or biochemical pathways (see Jeffrey M Pe

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Xcms logo
Scripps Metabolomics Platform
Category: Other software
Subcategories: Metabolomics

The XCMS software for metatabolomic and lipidomic reads and processes LC/MS data stored in netcdf , mzXML, mzData and mzML files. It provides methods for feature detection, non-linear retention time alignment, visualization, relative quantization and statistics. XCMS is capable of simultaneously preprocessing, analyzing, and visualizing the raw data from hundreds of samples.

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ISA tools logo
metadata tracking tools
Category: Other software

The open source ISA metadata tracking tools facilitates standards compliant collection, curation, local management and reuse of datasets in an increasingly diverse set of life science domains. Built around the ‘Investigation’ (the project context), ‘Study’ (a unit of research) and ‘Assay’ (analytical measurement) metadata categories, the tools are designed to manage studies employing one or a combination of technologies.

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Floreada.io logo
Fow Cytometry web based software
Category: Other software

Floreada.io is a web-based free flow cytometry analysis application. It is available from any platform with a web browser including phones and tablets. It is currently in very active development with a feature set that continues to grow.

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Taverna logo
Designing and executing workflows
Category: Other software
Taverna allows: Workflow

Taverna is a multiplatform open source Management System written in Java for designing and executing workflows. A suite of tools used to design and execute scientific workflows and aid in silico experimentation.

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