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Mole/Gram Converters logo
Subcategories: GraphPad
Mole/Gram Converters allows: convert between moles and grams, GraphPad

Mole/Gram Converters (QuickCalcs) converts between moles and grams Registration not required.

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sTRAP logo

sTRAP (Transcription factor Affinity Prediction) is a web application to calculate how the binding of different TFs is affected by the sequence differences (e.g. by single-nucleotide polymorphism) Registration not required.

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Normal Curve Generator logo
Excel Template

It's a simple and well constructed Excel spreadsheet from Jon Wittwer of Vertex42 for graphing a Normal distribution curve by inputing either a mean & SD or single subject values. In addition the spreadsheet includes examples for generating a random number from a Normal distribution, for calculating cumulative probabilities and for shading a portion of the distribution. Registration not required.

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Buffer Solutions logo

Buffer solutions for pH control Registration not required.

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Ensembl logo
browsing genes and genomes

Ensembl, a genome browser project, produces genome databases for vertebrates, and makes this information freely available online. Registration not required.

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Geo Datasets logo
Category: Gene expression
Subcategories: NCBI

The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO - NCBI) is a public repository archiving and freely distributing microarray, next-generation sequencing, and other forms of high-throughput functional genomic data submitted by the scientific community. In addition to data storage, a collection of web-based interfaces and applications are available to help users query and download the experiments and gene expression patterns stored in GEO. Registration not required.

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UniProt logo

The mission of UniProt is to provide the scientific community with a comprehensive, high quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information. The site provides UniProtKB (protein knowledgebase) consisting of Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL sections; UniRef that speeds up sequence similarities search; and UniParc a squence archive. Registration not required.

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PepNovo De novo sequencing logo

PepNovo is a high throughput de novo peptide sequencing tool for tandem mass spectrometry data. PepNovo typically runs in less than 0.2 seconds per spectrum. PepNovo uses a probabilistic network to model the peptide fragmentation events in a mass spectrometer. Registration not required.

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QuantPrime logo

QuantPrime is very user-friendly tool for primer pair design in small- to large-scale real-time reverse transcription qPCR analyses. It offers design and specificity checking with highly customizable parameters and is ready to use with most publicly available eukaryotic transcriptomes, including all higher eukaryote model organisms and important plant crops, while benefiting from exon-intron border and splice variant information in available genome annotations. Registration not required.

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P-value calculator logo
Subcategories: GraphPad

Use this calculator to compute a P value from a Z, t, F, r, or chi-square value. Registration not required.

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IDT logo
Subcategories: IDT

A very intuitive tool to design primer. The request need the entering of gene sequence or sequence of interest (multiple sequences in FASTA format with exons in uppercase letters and introns in lowercase letters, positive orientation). A complete tutorial is available. Registration not required.

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GeneFisher2 logo

GeneFisher2 is a very good site allowing great control over primer design Registration not required.

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Fasta logo
Category: DNA alignment

Compare two sequences aligns two sequences using the indicated algorithm, and calculates the statistical significance using shuffled sequences. Registration not required.

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Expasy Translate logo

Expasy Translate is a web application (no installation required) which allows the translation of a nucleotide (DNA/RNA) sequence to a protein sequence. Registration not required.

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dbSNP logo
Subcategories: NCBI

dbSNP contains human single nucleotide variations, microsatellites, and small-scale insertions and deletions along with publication, population frequency, molecular consequence, and genomic and RefSeq mapping information for both common variations and clinical mutations. Registration not required.

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Plagiarisma logo
Plagiarisma allows: check for plagiarism

Plagiarism destroys your career life. Plagiarisma is the plagiarism checker considered as an important tool for students, teachers, scholars and professional writers. It works on Windows, Android, BlackBerry and Web. It detects copyright infringement in your essay, research paper, coursework or dissertation. It supports Google, Yahoo, Scholar and Books. It helps avoid plagerism. It will only take a few minutes to check your document. Are you searching for plagarism detector that is accurate enough to help you track duplicate content? Avoid duplicate content - use Plagiarisma free paraphrasing software! Registration not required.

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siRNA Design Software logo
Category: SiRNA design

SDS (siRNA Design Software) is a software tool that helps to design siRNAs for silencing gene expression. The tool takes an mRNA sequence and makes use of existing design tools to output a set of candidates. These candidates are then filtered based on the secondary structure. With the following features: It provides a unified platform for using existing software. It compares the output of existing software. It enhances the existing software by filtering ineffective siRNAs based on secondary structure. Registration not required.

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Gene ID Conversion Tool logo

Gene ID Conversion Tool is a comprehensive and fast accession mapping system in DAVID 2.1. With it any given gene accession can be quickly mapped to another based on the user's choice. The tool also automatically suggests possible choices for the ambiguous gene accessions in the list. Registration not required.

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TRAP (multiple sequences) logo

TRAP (multiple sequences) is a web tool to evaluate which TFs are over represented in a data set (Chip-seq or Chip-chip data). Registration not required.

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Cancer cell lines logo
Mutation & Cancer cell lines
Category: Cell lines
Subcategories: Sanger

Cancer Genome Project has embarked on a systematic characterisation of the genetics and genomics of large numbers of cancer cell lines. Prior knowledge of their genetic abnormalities may allow more informed choice of cancer cell lines in biological experiments and drug testing and more informed interpretation of results. Registration not required.

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